Herakles Project
About This Project
- Functional test scenarios were prepared using test designs, verification concepts, unit test scenarios, regression tests, etc.
- Scrum Meetings such as Sprint Planning Meeting, Daily StandUp Meeting, Sprint Retrospective Meeting, and Sprint Demo Meeting were organized.
- QA Touch and JIRA were used as a project tracking tool.
- Requirement documents, design documents, and other relevant documents were collected, analyzed, and divided into individual stories to design Test plans, metrics, test logs, and final reports.
- Manual tests were performed, and test scenarios were written.
- Best practices and techniques were applied for testing.
- REST Assured library and Postman were used for automation and manual API testing.
- IntelliJ IDEA was used, and a Framework was built from scratch using Cucumber BDD, Page Object Model (POM), and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.
- Maven was used as a Build Management tool, and Jenkins was used as a Continuous Integration/Deployment tool.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) was used for project installation on an EC2 machine and Continuous Integration.
- Jenkins was integrated with Git/GitHub, and scheduled builds were set up for automatic execution during the release.